
Natural Vitamin C with Betaine

ORBIT-C meets higher physiological requirement of vitamin C in various conditions specially during summer and other stressful conditions and first two weeks of life in chicks. In particular, high ambient temperatures depressed feed intake, weight gain and increased mortality rates among broilers. A possible approach to counteracting the negative effects of heat stress among chickens could be the supplementation of birds with Vitamin C. ORBIT-C plays a major role in the biosynthesis of corticosterone, a primary glucocorticoid hormone involved in gluconeogenesis to enhance energy supply during stress. However, under critically high ambient temperatures, the production of Vitamin C in broilers is inadequate for optimum performance. Orbit Bioscience researchers have seen beneficial effects of ORBIT-C supplements given either in diets or in drinking water. Supplements enhanced performance of broiler chickens with experimentally induced hypothyroidism, reduced stress related response and improved disease resistance of the birds.