Multi enzyme

Enzymes as a cocktail combination of multiple enzymes which are being used in poultry feeding to bring about highest utilization of nutrients that are normally unavailable to animals and birds in diet. By incorporating specific enzymes enables the nutritionist to optimize the cost for performing birds. Most of the poultry /swine dietary ingredient includes cereals like maize, soymeal, jowar, bajra, sunflower cake, ground nut cake, rapeseed meal, sesame meal etc.,thal are rich in cell wall carbohydrate residues which are known as non-starch poly-saccharides (NSPs). These NSPs include celluloses, hemicelluloscs (arabinoxylans) glucans, pectins, galactosides etc. NSPs have a strong antinutritional effect by way of increasing the viscocity of the digesta in the poultry intestine leading to inadequate absorption of nutrients, impaired peristaltic progress of chyme through the intestine causing flatulence and bacterial overgrowth. This is evidenced by lose or sticky dropping causing serious hygiene problems. These problems can be solved by incorporation of measured quantities of NSP digesting enzymes like cellulases, ll glucanase, xylanase, protease and pectinases in their diet.