For better Gut health

Antibiotics have been used since long as growth promoters for pig and poultry. Currently, there is controversy surrounding the use of antibiotic growth promoters for animals destined for meat production, as overuse of any antibiotic over a period of time may lead to adverse and unwanted results such as undesired residue in animal products viz. meat, milk or eggs, residua in tissues, long withdrawal period and development of resistance in microorganisms, allergies, genotoxicity and harmful effects on human health by development of microbial resistance to specific products. On the other hand, BIOCOX 4 containing plant extracts, essential oils or main components of the essential oil blended with probiotics Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the alternative growth promoter which is herbal remedies for indigenous poultry health management.


  • Improves the growth
  • Improves the feed utilization
  • Stimulates the immnue system and increased vitality
  • Regulate the intestinal micro-flora
  • Reduced morbidity and mortality due to various diseases Reduces toxin load
  • Supports organs responsible for detox
  • Reduces inflammation